Frequently Asked Questions about Waivers
- How will I know if my application has been received?
- The coach will receive an email notification indicating the waiver application has been received by the Waiver Department.
- How do I pay the waiver fee?
- The waiver fee is waived for this school year. There is a fee to appeal a waiver decision, that information can be found here: Waivers Appeal Application Letter
- What is the status of my application?
- If you're applying for a waiver via the portal, the status is listed under waiver status. If you've applied via mail, we will contact you if items are missing. Otherwise, the coach will receive an email with the decision.
- The PAPF status states 'UIL Accepted' in the portal, does this mean my waiver is approved?
- No, this means the UIL has accepted and filed the PAPF. The waiver status is listed directly under the PAPF status.
- Why am I not receiving emails from the portal?
- 1. You did not subscribe to receive emails,
2. You're not subscribed as the PAPF Coordinator of the school you're affiliated with,
Check your spam filter restrictions. Have your IT Department whitelist the portal domain.
- Who do I make my money order out to?
- "University of Texas at Austin, UIL"
- What form do I use to notify the district chair of my waiver application?
- Send the district chair a copy of the completed waiver application form only. A notification letter is located on the website.
- The postal service said my package arrived at the UIL today, why haven’t you received it?
- Once the UIL receives the package, this is the process it goes through before reaching the Waiver Department: Mailroom→ Business Office → Waiver Department
- When will my application be processed?
- Once the Waiver Department has received all required documents, your waiver will be reviewed. Within 14 days after the Waiver Officer determines that the application is complete, the Waiver Officer shall, upon the basis of the application and written statements, decide whether the wavier should be granted and the applicant declared eligible.
- How do I know if my application is complete?
- If there is missing documentation, the applicant's coach or athletic director will be notified via email. Check with the coach to determine if the application is missing information.
- How long is the waiver process?
- Within 14 days after the Waiver Officer determines that the application is complete, the Waiver Officer shall upon the basis of the application and written statements decide whether the wavier should be granted and the applicant declared eligible.
- How will I be notified of a decision?
- The principal & the chair of the DEC will promptly be notified via email. A hard copy will be mailed to the principal, district chair, superintendent, and applicant.
- Should I send the PAPF to the District Executive Committee Chairman when I know I have to apply for waiver?
- Yes, the chairperson will need a PAPF on file for all students.
- Should District Executive Committee Chairman complete section IV on the PAPF when I'm applying for a waiver?
- It's not required, but recommended. The DEC Chairperson will submit a notification letter to the UIL when a waiver is being sought.
- Who makes the decision on High School Over-age Waiver requests?
- The District Executive Committee Chairperson will verify and approve if the student qualifies for the waiver. Once the application has been approved, the UIL will file the waiver.
Foreign Exchange Waivers (FES)
FES waivers must be submitted through the portal.
- How do I find the FES waiver in the portal?
- Initiate a PAPF through the portal. Answer "No" to the first question about previous participation. Then when you mark that the student is a Foreign Exchange Student, the waiver will generated. Another option is to choose "Waiver without a PAPF," and choose the Foreign Exchange Waiver.
- How do I pay the FES waiver fee?
- FES waiver fees are waived for this school year.
- What does a J-1 Visa look like for the Foreign Exchange Waiver?
- What does the DS-2019 form look like for the Foreign Exchange Waiver?
- What does the chronological history of schooling look like for the Foreign Exchange Waiver?