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Subchapter D: 2nd-8th Grades (1454)

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Section 1454: ONE-ACT PLAY


(1) Summary. Students will have the opportunity to work in all aspects of the production of a 40-minute play. During the production of the play they will be able to:

(A) satisfy the competitive, artistic spirit with friendly rivalry among schools, emphasizing high quality performance in this creative art;

(B) foster appreciation of good acting, good directing and good drama;

(C) promote interest in that art form most readily usable in leisure time during adult life;

(D) learn to lose or win graciously, accepting in good sportsmanship the judge’s decision and criticism with a view to improve future productions; and

(E) increase the number of schools that have adopted theatre arts as an academic subject in school curricula.

(2) Contest Format. Schools will produce a play in strict accordance to the rules and regulations in the current One-Act Play Handbook and Sections 1033 and 1034, with the following exceptions:

(A) all deadlines and schedules are to be determined by the district executive committee;

(B) enrollment and Title Entry Forms are not required for junior high schools and will not be available from the UIL office; and

(C) directors for eighth grade and below do not have to be full-time employees of the school district as required by 1033 (b)


(1) Contestants. Students in the seventh and eighth grades who are eligible under Section 1400 may enter this contest. Sixth graders who are eligible under Section 1405 may participate in the contest if they are on the same campus as the seventh and eighth grade. Participants shall be full-time students in grades six, seven or eight at the school they represent.

(2) Divisions. This contest consists of one division.


The decision of the critic judge or judges is final. The winner of a junior high school one-act play contest shall not advance beyond the district level. Winners shall be ranked first, second and third.


No printed materials are shipped for A+ One-Act Play contests. All instructions and forms are available for download from the UIL website.